April 26, 2008

the new me

A lot of that astrology mumbo-jumbo found in zines or newspapers or anywhere really, are usually pretty loaded with a bunch of crap. You know the type: "The second half of the month a new opportunity will open itself to you in your workplace and a you will also win many wonderful things if you take chances." They are usually so generic, open-ended and non-true whatsoever, that really, I don't know why I or anybody bothers reading them. But today's Pisces scripture in Vue Weekly referred to a shrink who advised to his patient that, "If you don't articulate your conscious desires, your unconscious patterns will come true." It goes on to recommend a week of "intense contemplation" of this psychotherapist's advice.

After a lifetime of contemplating my actions, my words, the actions and responses from the people around me, I have come to realize that a few undesirable patterns of behaviour have become apparent. This is going to be solved. Well according to the Good Doc anyways; because I plan on being much more articulate on my desires. No more goofin' around. Know what I want, and let it be known, then go out and get it. I doubt that I will be able to undo much of the unconscious (unfavourable?) patterns that make me so .... me, but at the same time, I have done a lot of this personality meyers-briggs analysis stuff over the past few years anyways, so I already know who I am, how I behave, what I am capable of, and how my behavior affects others. If anything, I might be able to consciously say that I am going to focus on some of my *behaviour* that might seem a little bit...off, according to sane people's standards...

So sooooo long filthy habits (unconscious patterns), and hellllll-o (ladies!)...wait, no that's not quite what I meant. From this point on though, be sure that I am going to be saying what I mean and meaning what I say. No more tom-foolery or shenanigans. Except on Fridays.

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